Pandemic Pet Therapy: Benefits of Keeping Pets During Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic made a lot of us turn to pets to help us endure this challenging time. 

Studies show that as people remain stuck at home, the demand for adopting or keeping pets has risen due to the “substantial support” that pets are able to give their owners, especially in times of isolation.

Additionally, many have realized the health benefits of having a pet that goes beyond being a man’s best friend, which include lessening one’s anxiety, providing comfort, lowering blood pressure, boosting one’s immunity, and reducing stress.  

In September 2020, there was a survey published in the journal PLOS ONE, which examined the relationship between any companion animals, such as fish, birds, dogs, cats, and small mammals and their owners. The survey showed that pets constituted an important source of emotional support, especially during the pandemic. 

Strong bonds with pets were formed and pets really helped a lot of owners battle mental health problems brought about by the pandemic. In addition, pet owners overall reported feeling less lonely and isolated than those who did not own pets. 

A lot of pet owners feel happier and healthier from playing with, talking to, and walking their pets. According to an economist at Claremont Graduate University in California, dogs get a 57.2 percent oxytocin boost when they interact with their owners while cats get a 12 percent boost. 

Meanwhile, a 2016 study on 263 American adults found that, although pet owners were more satisfied with their life than nonowners, dog owners scored higher than cat owners on all aspects of well-being. Similarly, a 2012 study found that dog owners were more attached to their pets. 

If you are planning to adopt a pet or add one but unsure which one to get, here are some questions you have to ask yourself in order to come up with an informed decision. 

What is my lifestyle?

If you are the type who rarely goes home, then choosing a dog that needs a lot of attention and daily walks would not be a good idea. 

A cat can handle itself for 8 to 10 hours a day as long as there is enough food and water until you get home. 

Which pet matches my personality?

If you are an extrovert then dogs might be the best pet for you because they tend to be rather outgoing themselves. Those of us who like quiet time may choose a cat, rabbit or fish, who are calmer and quieter in so many ways. 

Do I have any allergies?

If you are allergic to fur, depending on how severe your allergy is, then furry animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters and guinea pigs might not work for you. 

What is the level of care that I can handle?

Pets have different needs and ways to be cared for. Dogs, for example, have different requirements than cats and other pets, like they need to go on regular walks while cats, rabbits, and hamsters, among others, need litter box and cage changes on a regular basis. 

You might think it’s easy but choosing a pet is not always as simple as you think. Potential adopters or pet owners should have an open mind and heart when adopting because you may fall in love with a pet you have never considered before.

It would be best to do your own research to check on the animal’s habits and needs before making a commitment to find a match that best fits your personality and lifestyle.

What You Need to Know About Dogs

Choosing a dog begins with considering a breed that will suit your home and lifestyle. 

It is recommended to research the breed’s general temperament. Some dogs are calm and content to sit at your feet all day while others can be aggressive and loud. You should also consider the size – a large dog will need plenty of space and more food than a small one. If you are living in a condo, you wouldn’t be allowed to have big dogs.  

Daily exercise is also essential for dogs to avoid developing boredom behaviors such as digging, howling, and escaping from your place. The other care requirements that you should also consider include registering with a license, training them to obey your commands, taking them out on walks, and providing the proper food, grooming, and veterinarian care.

What You Need to Know About Cats

Nowadays, many people are now considering cats as family pets. Cats have a distinct personality and are often affectionate and happy to be handled. 

They are fairly low-maintenance pets once they’re fully grown. When choosing the right cat for you, you also have to consider the breed because some breeds are known to be more affectionate than others. 

You’ll also have to know what the cats need, some have enough litter boxes for the number of cats you have, toys to keep them occupied, the right food, and scratching posts. 

A pet can really give you meaningful company and increase the love and happiness in your life. Just make sure you pick the right one according to your personality, and that you’re in it for the long term. 

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